Discover the Elegance of Vertical Style Privacy Fencing

Quality and Style Combined

Our vinyl vertical style privacy fences serve as a beautiful boundary, ensuring a delicate blend of style and functionality.

Installing a vertical style privacy fence brings an added layer of elegance to your property. At Pro Vinyl Fencing, we craft fences that are not just beautiful but are built to last. We source only US-made, high-grade vinyl materials that are designed to withstand the harshest weather conditions.

Moreover, vertical style fencing is more than just a decorative element; it also provides you the solitude you need within your property. Its design makes it a perfect choice for anyone seeking to add a dash of sophistication to their homes while ensuring maximum privacy.

Vinyl privacy vertical fence as boundary wall for side passage with intricately designed walkway with black stones and marble

Why Choose Vinyl for Your Vertical Privacy Fence?

When it comes to durability and maintenance, vinyl stands out among other fencing materials. Its resistance to rot and insects, coupled with the ability to endure harsh weather, makes it a popular choice among homeowners.

In addition, vinyl fencing requires minimal maintenance, saving you both time and effort in the long run. It doesn’t need painting or staining, and cleaning is as simple as a quick rinse with a garden hose. These are some of the reasons why Pro Vinyl Fencing recommends vinyl for your vertical privacy fence.

Vinyl privacy vertical fence with gate leading into lush grassy backyard with small garden, stone borders, and short trees

Customize Your Vinyl Vertical Style Privacy Fence with Pro Vinyl Fencing

At Pro Vinyl Fencing, we understand that every home is unique, and so are its fencing requirements. That’s why we offer customization options for your vinyl vertical style privacy fence. You can select from a variety of colors, styles, and heights to perfectly suit your needs.

Moreover, our fences are made of high-quality vinyl materials that come with a lifetime warranty. You can be confident that your fence will remain a beautiful and functional element of your home for years to come. We are not just building fences, but trust and strong relationships with our customers.

Service/Product Details

Available Heights

2 feet | 3 feet | 4 feet | 5 feet | 6 feet | 7 feet | 8 feet

Available Colors

  • White

  • Tan

  • Brown

  • Gray

  • Clay

  • Cedar

  • Sequoia

  • Driftwood

  • W.Aspen